This is the Gracia Street Bridge and running underneath the bridge are the Burlington Northern Santa Fe (known locally as the B-N-S-F) railroad lines.
These busy railroad lines average seventy trains per day. It’s fun to watch trains pass underneath the bridge, but be sure to hold on to your hats! Also, it can be a noisy experience that may startle children or pets. For your safety, please stay on the sidewalk side of the bridge and do not sit on the railing.
There has been a bridge here since 1916. The original bridge was built using a Pony truss design and was removed in 1999. The new bridge you are standing on was built and opened in 2001.
At the top of the bridge facing north, you’ll see the 1913 Santa Fe station that has been home to our Walt Disney Hometown Museum since 2001. Northbound freight trains and passenger trains pass under this bridge on their way to Chicago. About 45 minutes north by rail from Marceline is the small town of La Plata, where passenger trains stop.
Looking out the opposite direction South, is the old Santa Fe railroad yard. Once upon a time this was a bustling place, with a coal chute and a steam locomotive roundhouse. The roundhouse was taken down when the railroads converted to diesel locomotives years ago. There was a time when many homes in Marceline had windows salvaged from the roundhouse. Southbound trains go to Kansas City and then continue on to Los Angeles.
Just west of Main Street is West Gracia, the last brick street in Marceline. At one time, all paved streets in Marceline were made of red brick. Gracia Street is named for the daughter of a Marceline founding father and early mayor, Hiram Long.