Groceries Grabbed!

Downtown Marceline‘s 2nd annual Grocery Grab was even more fun than last year! Congrats again to our three winners: James Stella – winner of the $50 Prenger Foods gift card, Andrew Wood – winner of the $100 gift card, and Kelsey Best – winner of the 2-minute shopping spree! Many people were on-hand for the event, including several members of the Prenger family.

Kelsey passed the chore of running around the store to her husband Jordan, who definitely had the speed! He took off at the bell and left those following him in the dust, probably running with a cart through the store faster than anyone ever has! He made quick work of their shopping list within the first minute before he came back to the registers. Everyone cheered him on to grab another cart and get back into the aisles to get some more groceries.

By the end of his 2 minute shopping spree, he racked up over $200 in groceries – including dog food, paper towels, the maximum allowed limit from the meat section, and even a snack-size bag of Cheetos! The fun was over before we knew it!

Again, we’re thankful to everyone who bought a ticket to support the event, and especially to those who came to Prenger Foods in Marceline to watch the action. Keep checking the Downtown Marceline website to find out what projects and events we’re working on, and how you can volunteer to help revitalize Main Street USA!

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