Downtown Marceline Launches SOS Capital Campaign

Zurcher Building Disney Story |

Marceline, MO – On Monday, September 28, 2020, the Downtown Marceline Organization embarked on a historic stabilization and rehabilitation project to save the iconic Zurcher building.

Built in 1899, 123 Main Street USA, originally served Marceline as a bank on the first floor and the Knights of Pythias meeting hall on the second floor. By 1905 Percy Wilkins establishes a jewelry store on the first floor and in 1909 the store passes on to Albert Zurcher. Mr. Zurcher continued to serve the community for an astonishing 64 years, selling not only jewelry, but also eyeglasses, cameras, TVs, and appliances.

During those 64 years of serving the Marceline community, the Zurcher’s made a lasting impact on the community. From engagements, to lasting photographic memories, and providing modern conveniences for easier living at home, the Zurcher building provided lasting services to Marceline.

During Walt Disney’s childhood, the architecture of Marceline’s downtown made a lasting impression on Walt. When creating Disneyland, Walt sent his Imagineers to Marceline, telling them “This is what main street means to me.” With its visually stunning corner entrance, the Zurcher building became immortalized as “Coke Corner” on Main Street USA in Disneyland.

Unfortunately, time has taken its toll on this iconic building. Like so many historic buildings that have failed in surrounding communities, our Zurcher building is in jeopardy. Due to a shifting foundation, the east (main street) wall has compromised the building. Without Downtown Marceline’s help, the building is certain to fail, losing this tie to our past stories, and losing our community’s ability to create new stories within its walls.

To ensure that Marceline does not lose this cornerstone building, Downtown Marceline has taken the extraordinary step of contracting the repairs to the building before having the full funding to pay for them. Through a generous donation by the Schmidt family of Wisconsin and a $110,000 loan from Preferred Bank, we are pushing forward, confident that our community and fans have our back and will support our need. Please help us keep the memories and create new ones by supporting the SOS (Save our Stories) Zurcher Capital Campaign by donating today!

Your donation not only will bring new life to the Zurcher building, it will make it possible to create a new business, add an employment opportunity and provide a gathering place for all ages where memories can be shared and created.

Read the Press Release