In years gone by, as it is now, the importance of a city is largely judged by its hotel facilities. In the early 1900s, the Allen Hotel was the leading hotel in Marceline. Built in 1906, it was brand new when the Disney’s arrived in Marceline.
The Allen Hotel had all of the modern conveniences: Hot and cold running water, steam heating, and electric lights to name just a few. The hotel was known for its quick service, elegant cooking, and fine furnishings. It was located within easy an easy walk or horse-cart ride from the railroad station.
Roy Disney later recalled the entire Disney family having a meal in the dining room. Roy couldn’t remember what he had to eat, but he did remember that his little sister Ruth spilled a plate of food that their father paid for in real cash.
In 1913 the hotel charged two dollars per day, including meals, and could accommodate up to 150 guests. The hotel was said to have enjoyed a large trade at all times.
After a long history dating back to the early days of the city, the Allen Hotel closed its doors in the year 1968.